A’s bounce back to .500

The Bardo Athletics needed a strong performance on Thursday night from starter Todd Martin and they did. The hard throwing right hander kept the Camrose roadrunners bats at check. On the other end of the spectrum Bardo’s bats kept going strong from their 15 runs two nights before. Bardo managed to drive in 13 runs against the newly formed roadrunners.

The A’s youth showed in this game in one play in particular where catcher Dylan berrecloth stole 2nd with ease then proceeded to steal third, on the very next pitch he managed to get home safely on a passed ball.

“Bardo hasn’t seen speed like that since Ryan Stauffer was in his prime” said PBL legend Ray Lehman.

“We have speed in our lineup that will make infielders think twice about their throws” Added player/coach Craig Neufeld.

After the win that puts Bardo in a tie for third with Holden and two points behind Ryley and Leduc for top spot. The loss drops the roadrunners to 0-3 on the season.