Berrecloth helps Bardo claw back

It was a start the Athletics did not want. Three complete innings and no score on either side of the score book. Don Oslund was solid for the Athletics early, but so was the Buzz.

It looked like the A’s were going to get to the Armena right hander in the third inning. Jeff Van Engelen lead off with a single followed by another single by the A’s best hitter this year, Rob Berrecloth. With a passed ball the runners advanced to second and third with no one out. The meat of the order was coming to the plate for Bardo, (looking to get some much needed offence).

Mike LeClaire would pop up to the shortstop Adam Johnson. Beattie was next, and he would pop up to “Buzz” for the second out. And with the count full, Buzzell would freeze Lehman with a curve ball for the ‘K’ and the third out.

The Athletics again looked skyward, wondering when they would put something together.

In the bottom of the third inning, Rob Berrecloth gunned out Armena’s runner heading from second to third, which seemed to give the Athletics the boost they needed.

Because in the top of the 4th inning Bardo finally put some hits together. Gary Yurkowski would lead off with a walk, Don Oslund and Craig Neufeld followed with singles, and Rob Berrecloth and Mike LeClaire would hit doubles to give the Athletics a much needed 4 run inning.

Armena would follow up with a solo shot by “Pumps” to get the Royals within 3.Don Oslund would go the distance for Bardo giving up 5 hits and striking out 9. Jason Buzzell would pitch an excellent game for Armena, striking out 8. The final was 6-1 for Bardo.