PBL bounces back with 5-2 victory

Sixteen’s a number. This year it’s life.

PBL All Stars 2016
The Powerline Baseball League 2016 All Star team who won the game 5-2 over the Battle River League.

2016. 16 innings in the final game. 16th Annual Harry Andreassen All Stars Challenge.

Following 16 innings of baseball over two days, it was time to settle in and not have to worry about darkness with the help of that ever-so-helpful bright lights of Camrose.

Todd Skaret was hero for his yeoman’s work Tuesday and Wednesday in the final keeping us all up-to-date on the game. Thursday night it was Lucas Banack’s work, who also double-booked working the booth as well.

After falling behind 2-1, another Banack, Josh, from the Camrose Roadrunners drove in a run to make 2-1 in the fourth. It wasn’t until the fifth inning the PBL broke through with four runs and then shut it down the rest of the way for a 5-2 win.

The series is now 9-5-2 in favour of the PBL.