Opening Day in the books for 2015

The excitement of opening day is always palatable with the ball a bit rough around the edges, but the anticipation after long winter, no one can beat the thrill to finally put on that jersey and get at it.

The PBL 2015 opening day featured the same seven teams as last year, plus the addition of the Rosalind Athletics. Rosalind hosted the other Athletics in the league from Bardo making it a true opening day for everyone now with an even eight teams.

Armena, Beaumont, Rosalind and Ryley came away with victories. But there’s a long season ahead. Here’s a look back at some of the highlights leading up to, and the games themselves via Twitter (below).

Other News and Notes: Schedules, team pages and the contact page is now updated. Rosters will be posted at the roster deadline. The rules will need to be updated as some significant changes have occurred since the last edition. Other than that, it’s back to regular Tuesday-Thursday action with this week’s following games (Home team listed first):

May 12

  • Bardo Athletics – Beaumont Angels
  • Rosalind Athletics – Camrose Roadrunners
  • Holden Blue Jays – Armena Royals
  • Leduc Milleteers – Ryley Rebels

May 14

  • Holden Blue Jays – Leduc Milleteers
  • Ryley Rebels – Armena Royals
  • Camrose Roadrunners – Bardo Athletics
  • Beaumont Angels – Rosalind Athletics

Opening day and week on Twitter