Bardo takes season series and much needed win over Angels

The game started out looking to be a good one where the Angels mowed down the first three batters to make for a quick first.  Bardo countering with reliable vet Ryan Olson didn’t seem to have control over the curveball where he managed to walk a couple and left three runners on base escaping the jam.

The second continued in the same fashion as Beaumont once again rolled through the next 3 batters without a sniff from the Bardo offense.  While Beaumont kept their patient ways and a couple timely hits to score one on their half of the inning.

Then the wheels fell off for Beaumont as a stellar pitching performance was overshadowed by an abysmal defencive showing by both infield and outfield combined.  Bardo took advantage of the Angels 4 errors on the inning and spotted themselves a 4 run inning.

The next inning was no difference except for a bit more patience on the A’s side with a few walks mixed in with more than a couple hits lead to a nine run inning.

The young Angels were having a tough time keeping their heads in the game after that inning and it showed in their defence as they kept managing to boot balls and miss fly balls.  Final score on the night was 18-2.

This game pushed Bardo into a tie for fourth with the Camrose Roadrunners but Bardo still having two games at hand.

Next week will prove as a test for the A’s as they are missing a few key players to vacation but will try to hold on to the ways of Bardo past and grind out a win or two.  They will play the high flying powerhouses of Armena and Leduc.