Holden Gets Road Win, Bats Still Buried Underground

A 10-1 win normally means some level of hitting, yet the Holden Blue Jays continue to defy even basic levels batting acumen. Control issues plagued the Beaumont Angels from the game’s opening, yet Holden hitters were kept honest with a blend of wildness and a live fastball. Early walks and errors spotted the Jays a 9-0 lead, and while the offence quieted after the fourth, Holden managed the game with its own effective pitching. The trio of Randall Ziegler, Grayson Soprovich and Travis Schell combined to stymie the Beaumont offence, while Holden accomplished the bare minimum at bat to get their first win of the season.

One family tree continues to produce offensively for the Jays as Randall, Colten and Bryan Ziegler all had decent nights at the plate, with Colten Ziegler continuing his torrid start at the leadoff position, and Brian Ziegler notching his first double of the season. Absent from the familial hit parade was Alan Ziegler, who had a tough night at the dish despite being one of the few Jays players to actually get knocks early in the year.

A theme in most games, the Jays lived and died with their pitching and defense. Ziegler threw three impressive innings as did Grayson Soprivich, both notching a few Ks and showing early signs of a deepened and improved Jays staff. Travis Schell closed out the game, returning to baseball after a lengthy pseudo-retirement. The defense continued its relatively clean start to the season, save a questionable outfield route or two. Next up for the Jays, a Tuesday-night home game against the Camrose Roadrunners.

Lowlight of the game: Jays player manager Stephen Hrabec showing expert tactical skills in making two of the Jays three outs at the plate in one inning. Better luck next time Snakes.