Powerline Pitches Shutout

Led by starter Alex Roth’s three hitless innings, the Powerline pitching staff slammed the door on the Battle River All-Stars Tuesday night, enroute to a one-sided 8-0 victory.

Fellow pitchers Josh Banack, Brad Engel, Ryan Olson and Jon Anstey all preserved the shutout, allowing only three hits over the remaining six innings.

Most of the scoring came in the sixth inning, when the Powerliners capitalized on a couple of walks and some costly fielding and throwing errors to score five runs.

Greg Zilkie led the ten-hit Powerline parade with two singles and a couple of runs scored, and Corey Epp was two-for-three with a run scored.

The win breaks a three year drought for the Powerline squad and moves them ahead 6-4-1 in the annual challenge series.