Late inning rally spoils Jay’s night

Holden’s 5 game winning streak came to an end at the hand of the Bardo Athletics on Tuesday night. The game looked to be in hand as the Jay’s stormed out to an early 5-1 on a few errors that shouldve been avoided. After the second inning Ray Lehman started to find his groove on the mound changing speed and angles to keep the Holden batters off kilter for a stellar 9 k’s on the night.

Holden’s pitching staff maintained its course mixing his pitches and having good location until some control problems in the bottom of the 6th led to 4 straight walks. With the lead down to 3, no outs, and the bases loaded Bardo went with future hall of famer Donny Oslund to pinch hit. He came up big with a deep sacrifice fly to score Pete Neufeld from third. Bardo took the momentum to the plate where they strung together 2 more hits to score 5 runs in the inning.

Lehman went back to the mound with his normal poise and control to conjure up 3 up 3 down inning to finish the game.

Bardo hosts the Ryley rebels on thursday night where there are some murmers of a Oslund-Stensrud matchup. Flashback to last year monday July 13th, with a matchup of two flamethrowers this was an epic game and a treat for anybody who had the opportunity to watch and play in.

As I was talking to manager/player Kevin “cito” Reinholt last night he had said “lets get our teams going for this game and make it another beauty!” I couldnt agree more. With 2nd place on the line both teams are looking to get out of this game unscathed. So if your not doing anything grab your kids, some pops, and dont forget the bugspray and make your way on out to the Bardo Rec grounds.